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Showing posts from May, 2022

My Opinion About Stress

Stress? Have you ever experience it? Here's What I Thought! #HWIT series pict taken by me on 2022 People mostly have had a stress.  Stress karena pekerjaan, lingkungan, masalah keluarga, daan lain hal. Apa sih stress itu? Stress is a body reaction to any change that requires an adjusment or response. Jadi, stress adalah suatu reaksi tubuh terhadap suatu perubahan yang membutuhkan penyesuaian diri atau respon diri. ( ) Banyak alasan yang dapat menjadi penyebab stress, seperti: 1. Perceraian  2. Ditinggal orang yang dicintai  3. Dipecat dari pekerjaan 4. Ditinggal orang yang kita sayang untuk selama-lamanya.  5. Masalah emosional, seperti depresi, ketgelisahan, rasa penyesalan mendalam, dsb.  ( ) Seperti kalimat pertama di atas, kita semua pasti pernah stress. Kamu, bahkan aku juga pernah stress. Semua orang di muka bumi pasti pernah stress. Hanya yang ber

Well Hello, Blogger!

Hi! I'm a new comer on this blogger world Ok, I'm a girl. Before we goin' through any deeper, please don't take this blog pretty serious because this blog would be a one sided kind of blog, but please take a seat and enjoy it! I'm a seventeen years old girl, with 80% imagination and 20% normal inside. I'm an Indonesian girl. I start to write this blog at 17 years old on this year, so please gimme a criticism and suggestion when I wrote something wrong. I'm a senior high school student in one of the city in Indonesia. One of my big dreams is to make my parent proud of me and see Aurora Borealis! I hope on future day, my future-self can make it. My favorite things is petrichor and star light at night. If u guys didn't know what petrichor is, it's a smell when the raindrops touch the ground and it can make you relax for a second. Sometimes it became my healer when i'm stressed or when my brain gets stuck. And why is star light at night? its b